

URGENT ACTION PLEASE: Re: open items Tempress Group Holding 2018

URGENT ACTION PLEASE: Re: open items Tempress Group Holding 2018

By In Geen categorie On 20 March, 2019



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I need the documents below, before I can sign the au=
dit opinion.


Who is/are the statutory =
director(s) of Tempress Group Holding BV and Tempress Systems Inc? We need a=
confirmation Allen Pheifer is director (I sent an example Minutes of genera=
l meeting at March, 14 =E2=80=93 document attached) or is Robert still the statuto=
ry director?


Allen B.V.=
is the statutory director and DLA are doing the resolutions etc

We will forward copy tomorrow


Signed confirmation =
accounting principles going concern (email March, 14, document attached)


Lisa needs to co-sign this=
, I have a version in the office



Please send us a copy of the signed comfort letter of R=
2D (email March , 14)


obert and Lisa to action


Please prepare (and sign) t=
he same comfort letter from Amtech to Tempress Group Holding relating to R2D=
. In this letter Amtech confirms that, in case of request of R2D if Tempress=
Group Holding is obliged to do additional payments, Amtech guarantees to do=
this additional payments (email March , 14)


Robert and Lisa to action


5.     Remark =
on the received documents:

a.   &nb=
Please sign all separate journal entries documents and share the do=
cuments with me.


Vickie, these were sent by=
email to you a few moments ago, you need to download, print and sign


b.     The minutes of the general mee=
ting are signed by Robert Hass (as I understood you well, he isn=E2=80=99t statuto=
ry director of Tempress Systems Inc and Tempress Group Holding BV anymore) a=
nd also the date is before the date of the audit opinion. Please adjust the =
date of the general meeting to Thursday (before that date I need to receive =
all documents above) and it should be signed by the statutory director of th=
e shareholder.


The minutes we=
re signed by the chair of the meeting Allen and Robert initialed that he att=
ended as the shareholder
, Allen will change the date etc and so re do them


Best regards,


Bart Westland


About the Author


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